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Parc Collserolla Abandoned Rabassada Hotel and Casino

Abandoned since 1930, ruins of Hotel (1901) and casino (1911) that was a playground for the wealthy of Barcelona until Gambling was banned in 1912

Updated: Feb 21, 2023 by: Barcelona Travel Hacks Views: 1.7k

About Abandoned Rabassada Hotel and Casino

The Hotel de l'Rabassada was inaugurated in 1899, and was used exclusively by the Barcelona bourgeoisie as a getaway from the city. At the time, Barcelona was undergoing major expansion (la Eixample districts) so the hotel was the perfect place to relax. The wealthiest enjoyed the beautiful views and luxurious rooms of the hotel and it became very popular. As a result, in 1908, a group of French investors came to see the hotel and decided to buy it.

The French Investors funded the redevelopment of the hotel with the then huge sum of 2.5 million pesetas additionally building a grand casino complete with ornate gardens and an amusement park featuring a 2km roller coaster. The L'Rabassada Restaurant had the best Parisian chefs and the dance hall was complete with an orchestra. The casino was known as the place to play roulette.

L'Rabassada Enjoyed success until in 1923 Miguel Primo de Riviera banned Gambling when He became prime minister of Spain. This ended the huge success of the Casino. During the 1929 world exhibition L'Rabassada was briefly popular again but this all came to an end at the start of the civil war in 1936.

The hotel, restaurant, casino and amusement park fell into ruins and were officially shut down at the end of the war in 1940. The casino and amusement park were almost completely demolished, the hotel still stands as a ruin.

There is a much darker history to L'Rabassada.

Many people came to the Casino to make small fortunes at the roulette tables. There were plenty of people that ended up losing everything and according to legend the casino created a sound proof room nearby, equipped with a pistol for gamblers who could not face telling their families. These are the first ghosts that are said to haunt the grounds.

The infamous Enriqueta Marti, Vampire of Barcelona, is reported to have frequented L'Rabassada at night to provide her services of child prostitution to the wealthy. Enriqueta Marti was reported to have kidnapped many young children, aged 5 to 15, from Barcelona, selling them in her brothel and using their blood, bones and fat as remedies. She was a practicing witch doctor, selling cures for tuberculosis and anti-aging creams. She is suspected of being Spain's most prolific serial killer, However, due to her wealthy connections and as the children were from poor neighbourhoods, she was never prosecuted.

Legend also says that the site of L'Rabassada was used as a headquarters for execution by firing squad during the civil war and before it's demolition.