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La Garriga to Figaró via Cingles de Bertí & Clascar Castle

A 17km route via Puiggraciós Church and semaphore, Clascar castle ruin, along the top of a cliff wall. Spectacular valley views, returning via a waterfall

Updated: Aug 25, 2023 by: Barcelona Travel Hacks Views: 1.4k

About La Garriga Los Cingles de Bertí Figaro

A linear walking route of 17km starting at La Garriga Renfe station and ending at Figarò Renfe Station via Puiggraciós Church and Puiggraciós semaphore, Cingles de Bertí cliff and Clascar ruined castle.

This is a beutiful hiking route about one hour from Barcelona by train that provides spectacular views of the Congost river valley, Turó del tagamanent, Montseny Massive and on a clear day, the Pyrenees.

Leaving La Garriga via Avenida de Sant Esteve, the first point of interest is the Sant Esteve de la Doma church and cemetery. From here the route take a rural road gravel path up through vineyards, olive groves and oak forests arriving at Puiggraciós Church and Sanctuary. Behind the church is a picnic area. as well as the views from the church, the Puiggraciós semaphore watch tower gives views of the Cingles de Bertí and Congost river valley.

From Puiggraciós semaphore watch tower the route passes via a winding rural road that runs next to a section of the Cingles de Bertí. You can clearly see the rock stratification of different millennia. Look out for the various seams full of tiny shells. The path takes you to El Clascar which is an abandoned stately home in the style of a castle. Another great spot for a break or picnic.

After Clascar, the route follows along the top of the ridge of the Cingles de Bertí and there are several points along this section of the path with great views into the Congost Valley and beyond. At El Rajadell rural farmhouse the path deviates to the right and takes a descending zig zag route down the Cingles de Bertí rock formation to an area known as La Trona, a huge rock that juts out from the cliff and popular destination for climbers.

The trail from La Trona to Figarò follows a path along a gorge filled with huge limestone columns and waterfalls passing via a cave. Cross the railway line with care looking both ways. Once in Figarò village the railway station is nearby.

This trail follows mostly rural roads and often traversed paths that are marked with Yellow then later red route markers on the rocks and tree's.