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Pratdip circular hiking route in Llaberia Natural Park

Hiking in the hellhound & vampire village of Catalunya. A medium hard 16km circular route in the Llaberia Natural Park

Updated: Nov 17, 2022 by: Barcelona Travel Hacks Views: 697

About Pratdip in Llaberia Natural Park

In Catalan myth, a Dip is an evil black Hellhound and emissary of the Devil, lame in one leg, who sucks people's blood. The legend dates from at least 1602 from images on the altarpiece of Santa Marina de Pratdip church. Legend has it that the Dips sucked the blood of cattle, but only went out at night, and among their victims were drunken night owls who went to drink wine in the village taverns. According to tradition, the name of the village comes from these Hellhounds. The Legend of the Dip is the Catalan equivalent of the fictional Sherlock Holmes Hound of Baskervilles Novel by Conan Doyle.

Due to the Dip's thirst for blood, it inspired the 1960's play, Natural Stories, by author Joan Perucho and tells the story of Onofre de Dip, a noble vampire with the ability to transform himself into many animals. The central part of the play takes place in Pratdip at the beginning of the nineteenth century. This story has elements of Bram Stoker's Dracula.

This Meduim-hard circular hiking route starts and ends in Pratdip village and is around the Llaberia Natural park mountains. This is a great route for winter because of its proximity to the Coastline there is normally never snow in these mountains. The village is less that 2 hours by car south of Barcelona near Tarragona and is a lot warmer than the Pyrenees and pre-pyrennes.