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Parc Collserola Sant Feliu Abandoned Cement Factory

Easy 14km walking route from Renfe Sant Feliu de Llobregat to Moulins de Rei via an abandoned cement factory and mine complex in Parc Natural de Collserola

Updated: Jun 28, 2024 by: Barcelona Travel Hacks Views: 2k

About Sant Feliu Abandoned Cement Factory

A quarry whose operation began in 1920 in the southeast foothill of Puig de Olorda was enlarged by the addition of another older quarry called Can Ferrers o Can Farras, located further north, with both quarries then included in the Sanson concession. Most parts of the quarry are within the Sant Feliu de Llobregat township, although the northern front of the open pit is within the Molins de Rei township and the east front of the open pit is within the Barcelona township.

The modern cement factory dates from 1967 until it's closure as an operational factory in early 2000s. From the quarries Silurian-Devonian limestone was extracted for the cement manufacturing and transported to the factory via giant aerial conveyor belts. The factory was owned by Cemex but was purchased by molins cementos shortly before operations ceased.

Visiting Sant Feliu Abandoned Cement Factory

The quarries closed at the end of the 90's and are now undergoing a process of restoration.

The Factory is an ABANDONED (production ceased) site and is not safe to visit inside. Access is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and the site is permanently monitored and patrolled by on site security. Police will be summoned if you try to break into the factory.

The factory can be viewed from the outside, ensuring to stay on the road and outside of the fence line, never crossing any of the marked danger signs or barriers.

The various conveyor belt systems in the mine area can also be viewed from the paths but are heavily corroded and not to be used in any form as bridges or for climbing.

Be sure to to stay on the path indicated in the walking route and be aware that off the path there are mine edges with sudden and high drops or risk of rock falls. Keep children closely supervised until out of the mine area at Creu de Olorda.

What to take with you for Sant Feliu Abandoned Cement Factory

This is a short walking route not far from roads so I always do it with a small rucksack of the essentials. Emergency waterproof jacket is optional depending on the weather forecast.

1 - 2 litres of water because there are fountains along the route.

Sant Feliu Abandoned Cement Factory Summary of Prices

Train/Bus Fare Entry Ticket Additional Information Train/Bus Fare Entry Ticket Additional Information Adult Zone 1 T-casual FREE Child T-familiar FREE Group/Family Ticket? No.Notes Walk is free, Use T-casual Zone 1 ticket.

Getting to Sant Feliu Abandoned Cement Factory

Address: Carretera del Sanson S/N, Sant Feliu de Llobregat. 08980

To follow this 13km walking route start at Sant Feliu de Llobregat Renfe station on the R1 and R4 RODALIES line. Finish at Moilins de Rei Renfe Station on RODALIES R1 and R4.

Because all these stations are in Zone-1, use a T-Casual or Hola-Barcelona travel card for metro and Renfe train services.

Documents for Sant Feliu Abandoned Cement Factory

Click on any one of the 3 PDFs to view in full screen and download.

Wikiloc Trail for Sant Feliu Abandoned Cement Factory

a0147 - Sant Feliu abandoned Cement Factory

Walk in Parc Collserola passing via Sant Sant Feliu abandoned cement factory and open mines, Sant Creu d'Olorda and Castellciuro castle ruins.

Distance: 13.27 Km

Difficulty: Easy

Return Travel Fare: T-Casual Zone 1

Transport Network: Rodalies

Weather for Sant Feliu de Llobregat

Mountain Forecast weather for Serra de Collserola

Where to stay overnight in the Parc Collserola Cement Factory Ruins

Things to do near Sant Feliu Abandoned Cement Factory

Tags for Sant Feliu Abandoned Cement Factory

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