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FGC Funicular Vallvidrera and Vallvidrera Bus to Tibidabo

1906 mountain railway from lower station at Peu del Funicular to Vallvidrera village near Tibidabo which is reachable via short 10 min bus ride or 30 min walk

Updated: Jan 28, 2024 by: Barcelona Travel Hacks Views: 4.4k

About FGC Funicular Vallvidrera and Tibidabo Bus

Funicular de Vallvidrera, in combination with the 111 TMB bus, is the cheapest way to get to Tibidabo. Alternatively the Bus can be skipped and the walk to Tibidabo from Vallvidrera takes about 20 minutes.

Vallvidrera Funicular can be considered a tourist attraction in it's own right because of the spectacular views of Barcelona city.

Alternative methods to get to Tibidabo are the expensive Tibidabo Funicular.

History of the Vallvidrera Funicular

In 1906 the company running the Sarria railway, Now part of the FGC valles lines, got the contract to build a Funicular Railway, 736 metres long, to link the old village of Vallvidrera with Barcelona and save having to climb up the slope between the Vallvidrera road and the village.

The Funicular is a cable railway with the descending car serving as counterweight for the ascending car, both being linked by a cable, thus the electric motor is only lifting the difference in weight between the passengers in the descending and ascending cars.

The funicular de Vallvidera journey time is a short trip of a few minutes from the lower station - Vallvidrera inferior (which interconnects with Peu de Funicular) and Valvidrera superior (the upper station in vallvidrera village.

The upper station has a noteworthy station building with curvy lines and central European decoration. It was designed and built by the architect Bonaventura Conill.

The funicular offers some spectacular views of the city, which get better as you climb towards Vallvidrera.

The funicular operates automatically (driverless train) after being remodelled in 1998